Forum Discussion

PoojaManickam's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

webhook Doubt

i tried to create webhooks as shown in the demo course but could not get the expected output and found no error in the error history and also data were not reflected in the audit table 

can anyone explain the reason behind such scenario 
kindly find the below screenshots for your better understanding  

screenshot 1 :webhook is active 

screenshot 2 :Webhook Settings 

Screenshot 3 : in the tasks table i have created the new task but nothing was reflected in the audit log table (refer screenshot 4)
Screenshot 4 :
Screenshot 5 :Error History
  • Can you post the actual code from your web book as opposed to just a screenshot. The screenshot was useful but in order to offer corrections we would need to be able to copy and paste your code

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
    • PoojaManickam's avatar
      Qrew Member
      As requested kindly refer the below code :
      <usertoken>%user.token.b36eiy_knt6_d3vx.Demo Token%</usertoken>
      <field fid="11">[Project - Name]</field>
      <field fid="6">[Name]</field>
      <field fid="12">[Old.Status]->[New.Status]</field>
      <field fid="2">[Date Modified]</field>
      <field fid="5">[Last Modified By]</field>

      pooja pooja
      • MarkShnier__You's avatar
        Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
        I don't claim to be a big expert on Webhooks, but in the end I generally get them to cooperate.

        <usertoken>%user.token.b36eiy_knt6_d3vx.Demo Token%</usertoken>
        <field fid="11">[Project - Name]</field>
        <field fid="6">[Name]</field>
        <field fid="12">[Old.Status]->[New.Status]</field>            // there is an extra dash here after the ]  
        <field fid="2">[Date Modified]</field>
        <field fid="5">[Last Modified By]</field>

        my line for usertoken looks like this, below.  Your looks quite different. but your still could be more correct than mine. maybe try removing that dash as a next step.


        Also can I assume that you are having to use a webhook because the update in not in the same app?  Otherwise using an Automation is much simpler as its no-code.

        Mark Shnier (YQC)
        Quick Base Solution Provider
        Your Quick Base Coach
  • EricMohlman's avatar
    Quickbase Staff
    Your screen shots match the details I setup for my webhooks in the past. If you can't get it to work, I suggest contacting our fantastic Care team here:

    Eric Mohlman