Extract Date and Comment from prepend log entry field
I have created a formula field by piecing together answers from similar posts, but now need to take things a step further and can't seem to find the answer. I have a notes field (Status Update) that is set to log field entries which prepends the newest entry at the top. The field displays as: [DATE User] Comment Additionally, the formula results in showing either the maximum of the three most recent entries, or 2 if only 2, or 1 if only 1, or displays "No Update" if none. Original formula: var text LINEONE = Trim(Part([Status Update],2,"[")); var text LINETWO = Trim(Part([Status Update],3, "[")); var text LINETHREE = Trim(Part([Status Update],4,"[")); If(Length($LINEONE) < 1 and Length($LINETWO) < 1 and Length($LINETHREE) < 1, "No Update", If(Length($LINEONE) > 1 and Length($LINETWO) < 1 and Length($LINETHREE) < 1, "- " & $LINEONE, If(Length($LINEONE) > 1 and Length($LINETWO) > 1 and Length($LINETHREE) < 1, "- " & $LINEONE &"\n"& "- " & $LINETWO, "- " & $LINEONE &"\n"& "- " & $LINETWO &"\n"& "- " & $LINETHREE))) The request came back that they would only like to see the Date and the Comment (not the User name). I was able to modify the above formula to remove the User name, but only for the top most entry. I am trying to modify the original formula so that it will return just the date of the comment and the comment. The updated formula (below) does strip out the User name, but only for the most recent entry. Updated formula: var text LINEONE = NotLeft(Left([Status Update]," "),1) & ": " & Part([Status Update],2,"]"); var text LINETWO = NotLeft(Left(Part([Status Update],2,"["),9),9) & ": " & Part([Status Update],3,"]"); var text LINETHREE = NotLeft(Left(Part([Status Update],3,"["),9),9) & ": " & Part([Status Update],4,"]"); If(Length($LINEONE) < 3 and Length($LINETWO) < 3 and Length($LINETHREE) < 3, "No Update", If(Length($LINEONE) > 1 and Length($LINETWO) < 3 and Length($LINETHREE) < 3, "- " & $LINEONE, If(Length($LINEONE) > 1 and Length($LINETWO) > 1 and Length($LINETHREE) < 3, "- " & $LINEONE &"\n"& "- " & $LINETWO, "- " & $LINEONE &"\n"& "- " & $LINETWO &"\n"& "- " & $LINETHREE))) This successfully pulls out the User name, but only for $LINEONE. [Status Update] field actual entries: [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin] 7.30.24 New offer received from Diamond Rock Construction - low at $2.2 mil. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin] 7.11.24 Price renegotiations during feasibility period have failed and Buyer has submitted a rescission agreement. We will go back to market. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin] 7.3.24 Price reduction request received for $2,212,800. Pushing back to $2,790,000. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin] 6.10.24 Title Review period has passed. 10 days from receipt of Title was 6/3. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin] Blackout dates of closing early due to office outages. Output of [Status Update] after running updated formula: - AUG-28-24: 7.30.24 New offer received from Diamond Rock Construction - low at $2.2 mil. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin - : 7.11.24 Price renegotiations during feasibility period have failed and Buyer has submitted a rescission agreement. We will go back to market. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin - : 7.3.24 Price reduction request received for $2,212,800. Pushing back to $2,790,000. [AUG-28-24 QuickBase Admin Any suggestions to my formula that would result in the formatting of the 2nd and 3rd most recent entries to match that of the 1st most recent entry? ThanksSolved9Views0likes1CommentNeed help resizing pop-up window
I am trying to my Change Status field to a Formula Rich Text field from Formula URL field because the popup that opens when clicked is never the correct size for me. This is what I was able to cobble together with my limited qb knowledge but it gives me and error saying it doesn’t allow javascript. I can’t suss out why. Any ideas? var text RID = If([LEAVE REQUEST - LEAVE STATUS]="FINAL APPROVAL", "", "%%rid%%"); // only displays button if decision is ‘pending’ or ‘rejected’ var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_DECISION_STATUS_CHANGES] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_26=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&dfid=11" & "z=" & Rurl(); // when clicked opens popup window with DECISION STATUS CHANGES form #11 – Add Form Temp "<a class='Vibrant Success' onclick=\"window.open('" & $URL & "','Edit','width=800,height=700')\">MAKE DECISION</a>" // link code for popup with dimensions for width and height18Views0likes3CommentsFormula Help
Hello, I need help combining text fields into a formula(s). Here are my formulas: [Finance Disposition]=""&[(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]="<$500,000"),"YELLOW") I'm getting the operator "=" can't be applied on types bool, texterror message [Current Status]="Submitted",[Finance Disposition]="",[(Text) PipeLine Value Requested]="<$500,000","Red") I'm gettingexpecting text, but found boolerror message39Views1like3CommentsUsers are overlapping times on same date
Okay I have a user field a date field, time mobilized field, and a end time field. I need a message to pop up letting the user know if they put overlapping times in, that they need to adjust their times or have another user take care of the issue. How can I do this? Thank you all who take the time to help!32Views0likes7CommentsExpanded URL to Formula Query
Hello, I am hoping someone much smarter than I can help solve this puzzle. I have a report on an activities table. I want to search the same parameters that the report has within a size(GetRecords()) formula query in order to showcase how many records the user can expect to generate. The first thing I did was to go to the report, unswitch the 'new style', choose 'more', and then select "show expanded url for this report". Which gives me this (made minor change to allow the formula query to save): Size(GetRecords((("{'33'.IR.'this+wk'}OR{'33'.BF.'today'})AND{'76'.XEX.'No+Street+Address'}AND{'61'.XEX.'No+Employer+Name'}AND{'68'.XEX.'0'}AND{'19'.EX.''}AND{'82'.EX.'Send+Letter'}AND{'60'.XEX.'ABC'}AND{'69'.XEX.'Paid'}AND{'69'.XEX.'Promise+to+Pay'}AND{'69'.XEX.'Escalated'}AND{'17'.EX.'Delinquent+in+30+days'}")), [_DBID_ACTIVITIES])) The above expanded url equals the below (report parameters) How can I modify this expanded url and turn it into a workable formula query? Any and all tips/ tricks are welcomed. Thank you!33Views0likes5CommentsFormula Query (Size) - Question
I have created the following Number Formula query in Table A: My goal is to calculate the total records in 5 non-related Tables. The [Table Alais] field represents the Table Alais for the 5 different tables -- and the [AlaisTableFieldID] is my query field. This formula is not working.....any advice is appreciated. Size(GetRecords("{"&[AlaisTableFieldID]&".EX.'"&[Record ID#]&"'}","&[Table Alais]&"))59Views0likes2CommentsFormula Query with options
Hi, Is it possible to sort the results from a formula query. I have a formula query to get list of dates from a table. I would like to get the latest of the returned dates. Is it possible to use options=sortorder-D in the formula query? var text Query = "{65.EX.'" & [PBG Number] & "'}"; var number NUM = Size(GetRecords($Query, [_DBID_ACTION_ITEMS])); If([Active_Ind] = true and $NUM > 0, ToText(GetFieldValues(GetRecords($QUERY,[_DBID_ACTION_ITEMS]),2)) )28Views1like1CommentSum Overlapping Time/Remove Timeframe Gaps
Hi all, is there a way to do this formula queries? I have a table of people who have child residence & employment records, with start & end dates for each, as well as a numeric field that summarizes each timeframe in months. I need to query for all child residence & employment records related to each person, find any potential overlapping timeframes between the 2 tables based on start & end dates, and sum the total # of months from the Duration (months) field from applicable records. Essentially I need a final number in months of time each person provided to us across 2 tables, so any overlapping time would basically get deduped out. I also need it to be smart enough to recognize some of these timeframes are not contiguous and contain gaps, so we might not have any date for particular person from 2010-2015, but we do from 2005-10 and 15-18, so any gaps would need to be excluded from the final count.41Views0likes7Comments