Forum Discussion

JonathanRoberts's avatar
Qrew Cadet
7 years ago

I need a button that will open a dialog to edit a multichoice feild and return to same location

I have our shop schedule table and the items are related to a work center table. I need an easy way to relate or "assign" to a different work center from a report. I need it to return to wherever it was pushed from. Is this possible? My boss doesn't like to have to edit or grid edit then change the field and save then find where he was.
  • Can you clarify your table names and the relationship - which is the one and which is the many?
  • table -  schedule  

    record names - schedule items  

    related to workcenters table which has many schedule items

  • it sounds like you are looking to launch off a Work Center and see a report of Schedule Items complete with any dynamic filters an the typical regular filter box at the top of report, and then click on as many Schedule items as you like to associate them with the work center and then when done, click a link to get back to the work center and see the new schedule items now attached?

    If so, I do have a native technique to do that which i have implemented many times.  It usually takes 1 to 1.5 hours to setup depending on how many questions you have and how much you want to understand the technique to use it again yourself in other situations.

    The technique is native, but too complicated to explain click by click on this forum

    Contact me via the information on my website
  • Not really, We have a report of schedule items and when they (schedule items) may need to be rerouted through another workcenter we need to just select a new parent in the relationship. 

    this gets me close but not quite perfect. if it was multiple choice for the relatable workcenters and didn't relocate the user it would be perfect.

      //User Defined Page: reassign.js

    //alert("Choose New Workcenter");

    $.ajaxSetup({data: {apptoken: apptoken}});

    var reason = prompt("Enter your Workcenter Record ID: ", "0");
    var priority = prompt("Sort Order: ", "1");

    var promise = $.get(gReqDBID,{
      act: "API_EditRecord",
      rid: QBU_rid,
      _fid_12: reason,
      _fid_14: priority


      document.location.href = gReqDBID + "?a=dr&rid=" + QBU_rid;

  • MCFNeil's avatar
    Qrew Captain
    If you use an 'onclick' to open a new window, you can have the new window open a simplified form.  
    That form can have the desired drop-down menu you need.  Then save and close the window.

    onclick=\"var'"&$URL&"', 'newwindow', 'width=800,height=300');setInterval(function() {if (a.closed) {window.location.reload();}},500);\"  

    This example will reload the original page so you see the refreshed data.