Forum Discussion

SuryaExpert's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Quick Base Certification should be made portable from one job to another.

When I obtained my Quick Base "Builder and Expert" certification, I was working at one organization. After I changed jobs I am no longer able to access this certification. Without redoing the entire exams, how can I continue my certification? I am now at a different organization.
  • Surya,
    All of your Quick Base University training records, including your Certification can be transferred to a new Quick Base account at any time.  Simply send us the former and the current account email addresses with your request to transfer the records. Send that to
    Note that the certifications you are awarded do not expire.  The link to the verification copy will remain active and anyone that clicks on the link will see that confirmation. This link is found in your University profile and may be copied to emails or posted to social media including LinkedIn.  You always have the option to update your certification each year by completing the new exam.
    Anyone that has a 2018 exam can be automatically awarded the 2019 certification by completing the 4 Quarterly Continuing Education courses.  You have until the end of January 2019 to do this.
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Peter, thanks for your response. It worked successfully.