Using IF to test multiple conditions
I am building a scorecard where if the value of a field changes to "N/A", I need the total to be divided by a different value (ie: total value - value of field that is set to "N/A"). However, I need the formula to first check if ANY of these 7 fields has a value of N/A, then subtract the values of any fields where the condition is true, and divide the sum of the remaining values by this new "total". If none of the fields has a value of "N/A"). I have set up the fields and form this way: Multiple choice text field to check for Condition, and associated fields for Value of Condition (If or Case formula, depending on # of conditions - Y/N, or Y/N/N/A) A "Subtotal" for groups of Values A Total of all Subtotals Missing: A % Total as described above329Views1like5CommentsCan I use concatenate in Quickbase?
Trying to combine two text fields in Quickbase into one text field. Field 1 is a title from another table and Field 2 is the version of that title. So Field 1 might be "Diabetes" and Field 2 might be "v2". I just want to combine them to be "Diabetes_v2" in the new field. Is that possible? Seems like if should be simple enough with CONCATENATE([FIELD1),"_",[FIELD2]) but that doesn't seem to work. Getting this error: Formula error -- Unknown function The function name Concatenate(text, text, text) is unknown. Really? You can't use CONCATENATE in Quickbase? Any advice? Thanks!199Views0likes26CommentsHow to display PDF in file attachment fields
File attachment fields can show the attached files in forms and reports, but only a few file types are accepted (jpeg and such). Is there a way around this so that PDF attachments can be shown either directly in the form, or as a pop up window (I believe that is called an Iframe ?) after clicking on some button for that purpose? I now have that sort of working through a Chrome extension, which opens the PDF in another tab, but it's slow and cumbersome and has some unwanted side effects.102Views2likes62CommentsUsername to text field
I am working on a way to log changes to specific fields. I have created a history field that records all the information I want to track when it is changed into an entry in that field. My problem is there are 2 user fields that have Full Name in them and when I attempt to pull than information out and into the new History field it only prints some id number associated with that user, I want it to print the Full Name of the User. My history field is a multiline text field. Below is the action to my dynamic form rule. It states: When the record is saved Action change history to <br><b>Status:</b> [Status] <br><b>Changed by:</b> [Changed by] | <b>Changed Date:</b> [Date Changed]<br><b>Tested By:</b> [Tested by] | <b>Tested Date:</b> [Tested Date]<br><br> Again, everything in this prints beautifully with the exception of the [Changed by] and the [Tested by]. Here is what an output would look like: -- [OCT-23-14 4:19 PM Jordan] -------------- Status: New Changed by: -58508613 | Changed Date: 10-23-2014 Tested By: -58082747 | Tested Date: 10-24-2014 Any guidance is greatly appreciated.100Views0likes13CommentsURL Formula to open file attachment
Ok - I may be missing something easy here, but I need help. I have a file attachement field that may or may not have a pdf attached. Is it possible to have a URL Formula (so I can have a button) that will show up only IF there is an attachment and the URL would be a link to that attachment? If it's not possible to have it show up only if there is an attachment - what would the formula be to link to that field either way? - I know there is the link that is the file name, but I really just want it to show up as a button. Thanks!100Views0likes15CommentsCreating a duplicate of the same record in Quick Base
Hello, I just wanted to ask if there is a functionality in Quick Base that allows creating of duplicate records. For example, I have a table named 'Potential Team' and a record in the table is called 'Team.' Now, let's say Record#001 contains a thousand fields containing the names of different member (Member 1, Member 2..Member 999). Is there a way in Quick Base that allows me to re-create/copy the same record including all the data inputted in the fields? It would also be better if there is some sort of button/checkbox in the original record named "Copy record" that will trigger to create this duplicate. Thank you for the help!92Views0likes4Comments