Mailto showing html formatting in Outlook
Hi everyone, I have a formula url with the following code: "mailto:" & [External Email Addresses] & "?subject=" & URLEncode([Email Subject]) & "&body=" & URLEncode([Email Body]) & "&cc=" & URLEncode([Internal Email List]) The Email Body field is Rich Text Field in Quick Base. When I click on the button with sample data I get the results on the two screenshots included. Any ideas on how to prevent the html from showing? ------------------------------ Ivan Weiss ------------------------------22Views0likes5CommentsHiding Tables in Table Bar
I hide many of my tables from most user roles. However, when I add a new table it defaults to be visible, and I have to manually go through each role and hide the table. Is it possible to default to hide, or to go to the table itself and choose that option? In the table settings, I know I can set access per role, but only permissions, I don't see user interface. Can the user interface per role be set from the table settings? ------------------------------ Mike Tamoush ------------------------------72Views0likes5CommentsCapture date modified if reference field changes
Hi Everyone , I am currently in a project where i need to give data changes which has happened from past 1 week . Initially it looked easy as we have date modified in each and every table. But the catch is in almost every table there are reference field ( table to table relationship) . If those column changes then the reference table date modified does not change. For Eg . If in Table A , table B is being referenced the changes happens in table B get reflected to table A but date modified does not change. Any advise please42Views0likes7CommentsUser Lookup Fields Display in Red - WHY??
Does anyone know why my users listed in my list-user field that is a lookup from another table display in red? Usually the red means the selection is not a valid option, but since this is a lookup field, that shouldn't apply. I noticed this a long time ago in a different app and it's always bugged me, but when it just came up again, I had to ask! Thanks! ------------------------------ Brittany Zane ------------------------------50Views0likes2CommentsRemoving Add New button from table home page
Is it possible to remove the green "Add New" on a table home page? I don't want to take away the privilege all together, but more so force a user to create new records in that table using "Add New" buttons created within other tables and reports. ------------------------------ Chris Swirtz ------------------------------30Views0likes3CommentsCopy an address
If I have a lookup field that is an address, can I use a button to copy that field to another address field? Or do I need to look up each component (street, city, state, zip, etc) and then copy each component to each corresponding component? ------------------------------ Mike Tamoush ------------------------------26Views0likes7CommentsMy Apps"" ""New Apps"" tabs are hidden (good), but Personal Settings button also gone (bad)
It appears that you have added a new option to be able to hide the "My Apps" and "New Apps" tabs (by going to the Settings-->Branding-->Hide Quickbase Standard Menu Options. However, it also hides the Personal Settings button (where you changed your personal profile settings, and were able to switch to another role). Is there a way to get those personal settings/switch to another role option back, while also hiding the Standard Menu Options?20Views0likes4CommentsText fields behavior with quotes and other symbols
I have a text field and I can't quite figure out when this happens, but sometimes it changes a quote (") symbol to �. And sometimes if I have a lookup field, it changes it to a little square. I can't get it to happen consistently, so I am not sure exactly the combination of things needed to make this happen. Also, these seem to be unrelated. Meaning, sometimes a quot enters just fine, other times it comes through as the &#... Sometimes it looks up fine, and sometimes it comes through as a little square. Anyone know what is happening? I'm unclear so far if it only happens with the quote, or if something else triggers it. ------------------------------ Mike Tamoush ------------------------------36Views0likes5Comments